I have started a new advice column for you to ask questions about things that may trouble you; and how to deal with stress, anxiety, and stress related problems in your life.

Your life is a reflection of your belief, usually subconsciously. These beliefs are the cumulative effect of lifelong programming. We sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways as a result of past negative programming. These negative programming can cause physical illness.

So by asking for advice may help in realizing these believes and how to deal with them in a positive way.

Emotional Cleansing

Awareness is the prerequisite for change.
Joan Borysenko

          As this year comes to an end, it is the perfect opportunity to release any unwanted experiences, thought, or belief systems that no longer serve you and holding broken and restrictive energy.

          We spend a lot of time cleaning out closets and drawers, clearing out old books and clutter even though it feels overwhelming.  When we finally clear out a space, you feel fantastic. 

          However, many of us have no idea how to do emotional cleansing or letting go of relationships or unhealthy choices that causes us stress.  Emotional cleansing is about activating a willingness to look at the ways in which emotions can run and ruin our lives.

          Emotional cleansing is about taking the time to dissect old behaviors and patterns that keep us in a constant state of drama.  The act of emotional cleansing requires that we slow down and clear out thinking that is not productive, negative self-talk, and the clutter of past experiences that haunt us.  Emotional cleansing is an art form.

          It takes practice and a deep commitment to clean out our emotional baggage.  It means looking honestly at what triggers us, how we behave under duress, and how a painful past has left us feeling helpless and disconnected.  It is about inviting good into our hearts and lives instead of focusing on challenges.  It is about asking for inner guidance and trusting that feelings do not define us.  Feelings are simply energy and can shift in an instant when we open to the light within us.

          Whatever you are holding onto that is keeping you small, now is the time to let it go!  Love is available; joy is around the corner; peace is surrounding you; light is expressing as your very life. 

Today, take charge of your emotional reactions.  Ask for guidance to clear out tendencies that are cluttered and constricting; and open yourself up to a life of magnificent joy!

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