Outside of the land of light, however, there was a realm of darkness. Now, the darkness itself was alien to the nature of the child of light. There were those who were touched and who desired to bring the light into the darkness. They recognized the differences in the darkness and the light. In bringing light into the darkness, their own experiences would grow and they would become even 'greater expressions of God's perfect idea'. So, some of the children of light descended into the realm of darkness in order to 'expand their light' and 'dissipate the darkness.'
Once out of the land of light, the vibrations were coarse and slower to them. They began to develop coatings, like layers on an onion that protected their divine, inner nature from the uncomfortable vibrations. As they began to descend deeper and deeper into the darkness, the coatings became thicker and more numerous. The coatings or sheaths were made up of the matter of the lower vibrations and became vehicles, or bodies to use to express through in the realm of darkness.
Some became engrossed, almost enchanted, by the experiences in the new vibrations. Their awareness of their divine nature grew dim and remote. In time, the very existence of their divine nature was forgotten in experiencing the most gross and dense vibrations. In forgetting their divine nature, the children of light began to express those aspects of the realm of darkness.
These aspects such as jealousy and possessiveness, caused pain. Many forgot that the very essence of their nature was love and beauty instead of the aspects which were causing them hurt. They began to accept pain as their essence, and became numb to the beauty of their light.
Eons of time went by and those who had come to dispel the darkness were caught by the darkness. When the pain and hurt became so great, only then did their attention return to the faint memory of the land of light. By this time, the memory of the light was so faint, most of them believed the light to be only a dream, and that it was not real. But, something happened when their attention was directed to the dreamlike land of light. The very fact that their attention was drawn away from the course, dense vibrations, even momentarily, allowed the dim light to strengthen and expand.
So, the great change began. Every so often in the realm of darkness, a spark of light could be seen...and then more points of light and even more. As these tiny points of light drew attention away from the darkness and toward the points of light, the light expanded. So it is today.
The realm of darkness is being dissipated. Once again, the children of light are becoming aware of their divine nature and their purpose for coming to the realm of darkness.
The deepest and coarsest vibrations in the realm of darkness are the physical plane world. It is only a matter of time until the experiences of this physical plane are mastered and each will express their individual aspect of God in the physical plane.
The beauty and perfection of God will be expressed in accordance with each one's personal awareness of the nature of God and the light will saturate the realm of darkness to the extent that it too becomes an expression of the land of the living light.