I have started a new advice column for you to ask questions about things that may trouble you; and how to deal with stress, anxiety, and stress related problems in your life.

Your life is a reflection of your belief, usually subconsciously. These beliefs are the cumulative effect of lifelong programming. We sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways as a result of past negative programming. These negative programming can cause physical illness.

So by asking for advice may help in realizing these believes and how to deal with them in a positive way.

The Angelic Twelve-Step Program

STEP ONE: Come to see that you are powerless over your addiction, whatever it is, and that your life has become unmanageable. This can be the hardest step of all. Ask your companion angel to be with you and give you a leg up. Feel its love and you will be able to climb this step and keep going. In addition, call upon this healing angel to support you.
STEP TWO: Invites you to believe that a power greater than yourself can restore you to sanity and healing. You may see this power as God, Goddess, or your own Higher Self. Whatever your belief system is, your angel is a bridge to that higher plane. Call upon it to strengthen your connection. Invoke an angle of grace to intersect your life and weave some of that love back into your heart.
STEP THREE: Decide to turn your life over to God(Goodness). Knowing your angel's love for you, you can allow yourself to cross the bridge of its beingness into an even greater love. In addition, a pattern angel can help you open up to the greater universal plan.
STEP FOUR: This step calls upon you to make a moral inventory of your life. Invoke an information angel to support you while you do this work, to help you look back over your life, and to remind you of things you may have blocked out or forgotten.
STEP FIVE: Admit to your God, yourself, and another person the nature of your wrongs. Here, the process angels will assist you in this difficult task of coming into balance again, of releasing negative thoughts and feelings you have been holding, perhaps for years.
STEP SIX: Ask God or your higher power to remove the defects from your personal inventory. Call upon a reorganization angel to help you do this. Keep remembering that you don't have to do it all yourself. That's the purpose of a group---including a group with angels in it.
STEP SEVEN: Ask for help to remove your shortcomings. Call upon a transformation angel to support you in doing this major overhaul. The work isn't easy, but after all that you've been through---YOU CAN DO IT.
STEP EIGHT: Make a list of all the people you have harmed, and become willing to make amends to them. For this step, you might want to call on the wiring angel to upgrade your functioning so you can change your old behavior patterns.
STEP NINE: Make amends to all the people on your list except when it would injure them or others. Here you can invoke the connecting angels you have shared with all those people, to aid you in expressing yourself in the most loving way.
STEP TEN: Continue to take a personal inventory and learn to admit promptly when you are wrong. In this effort, you can invoke an angel of peace to help you develop feelings of serenity and self-forgiveness.
STEP ELEVEN: Invites you to improve your relationship to God, your higher power, or whatever that means to you. Call on one of the attunement angels to assist you in your opening, to be with you in prayer and to help you discover that every moment of every day is a sacred time.
STEP TWELVE: Prompts you to share the message of your awakening with others, and to practice the twelve steps in every part of your life. Know that the environment angels will help you work this step. As you learn to make every place you're in a sacred space, this step will become easier and easier.