I have started a new advice column for you to ask questions about things that may trouble you; and how to deal with stress, anxiety, and stress related problems in your life.

Your life is a reflection of your belief, usually subconsciously. These beliefs are the cumulative effect of lifelong programming. We sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways as a result of past negative programming. These negative programming can cause physical illness.

So by asking for advice may help in realizing these believes and how to deal with them in a positive way.

Joyful Spirit

Within a holy relationship one never looks for what one can get, but only what one can joyfully share.  It is here one learns the truth; that giving and receiving are the same.
Christine Smith

          Yesterday, we celebrated the birth of Jesus, whom we recognized as a highly enlightened teacher who was in touch with his humanness and his divinity.  While many of us celebrated by sharing gifts and meals, there is a deeper meaning to this day.  It is a reminder that we can allow our Christ nature to be revealed.  “Let us no longer think of the traditional birth of Christ numbering the years backward.  Let us rather bring those years forward into our own experience and permit the new birth to take place in our own consciousness.”

          Today, we can look at the life of Jesus and know he was not the great exception but rather the great example.  And we can commit ourselves to bring peace, joy and compassion everywhere we are.

          So the teaching that Jesus brought to the planet was a teaching of wholeness, oneness, and divine order.  He represented the universal idea of us all being sons and daughters of the Most High.

          Having an understanding of what he taught can create a wonderful way to explore how we are expressing the consciousness of the Mystic Christ.  We have the opportunity to look at ourselves as part of the whole instead of separate from it.

Joyfully celebrate this holiday season knowing that each day is, indeed, a holy day. Joyfully greet each day in praise and thanksgiving and walk in the vibration of peace and good will toward all people on this earth.  By giving joy, peace and love, opens you up to be receptive to all the many gifts that the universe pours forth into your life.

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