I have started a new advice column for you to ask questions about things that may trouble you; and how to deal with stress, anxiety, and stress related problems in your life.

Your life is a reflection of your belief, usually subconsciously. These beliefs are the cumulative effect of lifelong programming. We sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways as a result of past negative programming. These negative programming can cause physical illness.

So by asking for advice may help in realizing these believes and how to deal with them in a positive way.


Everything is a gift.  The degree to which we are awake to this truth is a measure of our gratefulness, and gratefulness is a measure of our aliveness.
Brother David Steindl-Rast

          For years I have taught that what we put our attention on grows and that we are always at choice.  So, we have a choice to bemoan what we believe is missing from our lives or to be thankful for our blessings.  I believe that Steindl-Rast said it perfectly in the quote above.  All too often we forget the beauty around us and concentrate on what we believe we lack.  The truth is we have everything we need if we are willing to awaken to it.
          Even when we are going through difficult times we can find something to be grateful for.  When we begin our day in a state of gratitude we attract more blessings.  Begin giving thanks for all the good that life has handed you and watch it multiply.  When we truly understand that gratitude is a cause and not an effect, our lives are transformed.

Today give thanks for all the blessings in your life.  Practice gratitude in every aspect of your life.  Try it you will like it!

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