I have started a new advice column for you to ask questions about things that may trouble you; and how to deal with stress, anxiety, and stress related problems in your life.

Your life is a reflection of your belief, usually subconsciously. These beliefs are the cumulative effect of lifelong programming. We sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways as a result of past negative programming. These negative programming can cause physical illness.

So by asking for advice may help in realizing these believes and how to deal with them in a positive way.

Conscious Breathing

Becoming aware of your breath forces you into the present moment---the key to all inner transformation.  Whenever you are conscious of the breath, you are absolutely present---Eckhart Tolle

            Being conscious of our breath is very important, and deep breathing is a wonderful tool for centering.  The breath is one of the greatest, most natural antidepressants available to us.  Our breath is the pathway to our God-center; it can help us to quiet our fast-paced minds.  It can refresh us like cool water on a hot summer day.

            When we get upset, the shallowness of our breathing causes a buildup of toxins, which can create a feeling of tension and grief.  Take a deep breath and slowly release it; do this three times to release tension, and to become fully present.  Watch each breath, following it down to the opening of your lungs.

            My personal prescription for tension, fear, depression or confusion is a brisk walk.  A walk around the block or inside your office building can help to clear your mind and body of toxins and will bring grater clarity, and an awakening of the brilliance that lives within you.  Try conscious breathing.  It’s free!  It will free you and your mind for greater clarity.  Have fun!

In this moment, allow the breath of life to be breathed in to you.  Welcome the calmness as you follow the fresh air into your lungs. 

Our Authentic Self

Self-importance hurts us, limiting us to the narrow world of our likes and dislikes.  We end up bored to death with ourselves and our world.  We end up never satisfied.---Pema Chodron

Finding our authentic self is a process of opening, learning and uncovering our unique expression.  The more we honor and embrace our individuality, who we are and all that we are, the more fully we are able to discover the true holiness of our lives.

Accepting everything we think and feel, laughing at our quirks and idiosyncrasies, allows us to go deeper into uncovering the origin of true self. 

If you view life as working against you, thinking that you are not enough, you can be left feeling empty and afraid.  Comparing yourself to others and feeling as though you are not as good or worthy means you are separate from the greater truth.

Within each of us is a sacred essence, and the tip of the iceberg we see is only a small part of our greatness.  The authentic self is the majesty of Good, alive within each and every one of us.  We are filled with a divine intelligence, and our job is to uncover our uniqueness within it.

The purity that lives within each one of us is our quest.


Live out of your imagination, not your history---Stephen Covey

We tend to live in our “stories”…those negative events of our lives we just can’t let go of.  It’s easy to repeat the stories of how we have been cheated or victimized by life.  In repeating these stories to anyone who is willing to listen to them, we keep the negative event alive.

If we truly want life to be different, we must give up our stories.  As long as we keep watering those experiences, we give life to the pain they created.  I believe that if you are stuck in your past story, it keeps you from seeing the self-destructive patterns and habits that you’re engaged in the present.

 We keep our stories alive by believing our old experiences are all that we deserve.  It is clear to me that when we are conscious of our negative self-talk, we can begin to find freedom from negative patterns.  It’s essential to develop a compassionate understanding of who we are. 

          The heartaches of the past are the devils of the present and the creators of evil in the future.  When we live in the past, we no longer can create in the present.  We live on what was, continuously watching old reruns over and over.
          Since the present is where we create our future, we choose our thoughts carefully and bless and release the power of the past. 
We give thanks for the power that operates in us now---DJ

Spiritual Awareness

You have been invited to meet the Friend.
Hafiz, I Heard God Laughing

          I have become completely convinced that our destinies as human beings are to become spiritually self-aware.  I am not  talking that  this awareness as something that is delivered up by any particular religion, as much as I believe that our individual, spiritual journey is what brings us light.
          I also believe that we have come to a time in human development when we must become spiritually involved and evolved.  If we don’t, we may become dangerous.  What could be more spiritually unaware than killing other people in God’s name?
          It is not for us to walk away in uncaring apathy; nor can we waste time in anger and dismay when we have at hand the best of all inspirational tools:  prayer, meditation, and acts based on love.  Talk and prayer begin healing, but healing is promoted through self-acceptance, forgiveness and acts of humanity.
          We have gifts to bring, the gifts of ourselves, our love and our service to life.  We don’t need permission to behave in this way.  We simply choose it, do the best we can and know that light is behind us and before us.

We have a mission, a spiritual mandate, and this is to bring the best of ourselves, our thoughts and our actions as our gifts to life.  So to become spiritually evolved, we must become involved.